Go Green Initiative presents the J-Energy Web Series


The mission of the Go Green Initiative is to provide schools, homes, businesses and organizations of all kinds with the tools and training they need to create a “culture of conservation” within their community. Our goals are to conserve and protect natural resources for future generations, and to protect human health through environmental stewardship.

Episode 01

  • Title: Energy Apocalypse 

  • TRT: 3:32

  • Role: Director of Photography

  • Description: Remember Hurricane Sandy, and how hard things were for people who were without energy for a long time? This video will help you consider how critical energy is in our lives, and why it so important to ensure our energy system does not fail. By the end of this video you will have a broader appreciation for all the things we use energy for, and which vital functions of society would be in jeopardy if there were an energy shortage.

Behind the Scenes Photos

Episode 02

  • Title: Carbon Crooner

  • TRT: 4:15

  • Role: Director of Photography

  • Description: Why is everybody talking about carbon emissions, and why should I care?! This video will give you a basic explanation of the many ways carbon dioxide (CO2) ends up in our atmosphere -- including burning fossil fuels for energy; how the earth naturally absorbs CO2; and what can happen if the carbon cycle gets out of balance.

Behind the Scenes Photos

Episode 03

  • Title: jEnergy Breaking News

  • TRT: 5:18

  • Role: Director of Photography

  • Description: What is nonrenewable energy? Where does it come from, and what do we use it for? Tune in as Jenna and her team of teen journalists explore coal, oil, natural gas, and nuclear energy


Behind the Scenes Photos

Episode 04

  • Title: Energy Express

  • TRT: 5:50

  • Role: Director of Photography

  • Description: Jenna and her friends take an unusual field trip to visit several renewable energy plants. Come along and see how energy is produced from water, wind, solar, and waste!

Behind the Scenes Photos